More Testing

This is to see if I can do this!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Module 3 Topic 1

I enjoyed this little exercise. Which reminds me, I'd better get up and do some physical exercise! Have been sitting here a long time.
Fortunately I still had my Bloglines account although I had forgotten my password. But thanks to the marvels of modern technology I was about to have it sent to my email address.
It's great that I am able to save my articles on My AccessScience account and my images too. I don't have to be at home to access them. I can do it at any library with an OPAC facility. Hooray!

Module 2 Topic 3 cont'd

Remember Team Day next Tues 1st Dec.
Wear warm clothes, sturday footwear and bring a snack. With budget constraints you may not get enough to eat!
Not sure if this is a tweet.
How many words do 140 characters make?
I found the various library twitters quite interesting. Most were used as a type of bulletin board to advise tweeters of up coming events in the library. Some had conversations with other library staff at different libraries.There were links to different articles and topical news such as the one in the Vancouver Library Twitter regarding library service cuts. There was advice on how to fix IT problems on another Twitter. The Australian and Library Information Association uses its twitter to inform members of courses they can undertake. There's even a mini quiz on the New York Library site. All about books of course!
I think Takapuna Library should have a Twitter site!!!

Module 2 Topic 2

Well I have been searching through Twitter and have become a bit bogged down with all the information. However I did use the twitter search engine which came up with real time and up to the minute comments. The site kept notifying me of more people adding tweets there and then. By using the 3rd party search engine such as Tweepsearch you can find a person or topic of common interest by clicking on the highlighted word. I used library. There were people who worked in a library, links to various libraries etc, etc. But really, where do people get the time to go 'surfing' through all this information???

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Module 2 Topic 1

I had a look at the twittering of Nicky Pellegrino only because I have her book The Italian Wedding waiting for me on hold. But do I really want to read it now after viewing the rubbish that she has been writing on her twitter blog????? Have twitterers nothing better to do with their time??? Have they no 'real' people to talk to??? It's a sad state of affairs.
I looked at John Keys' twitter. But that site is nothing more than speeches and media reports. No personal ramblings there. Thank heavens I guess!
I'm off for a cuppa. Had enough.
I forgot to include the URL for the honey picture and also the CC. This picture has a CC of Attribution and Non-Commercial. It was uploaded by blentley on Oct 18, 2008. Have a look at it at
I hope I have got the right Url ! Well here goes!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Creative Commons cont'd

Here I am again. I found the chocolate picture and the creative commons conditions are - attribution, non-commercial use and share alike. However I have forgotten to provide the link so I will have to go back in and see what it is! Oh deary me. What a silly Teddy Bear.!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

creative commons

I have had fun looking at the various photos. Instead of chocolate I should have been looking for HONEY. Which I have done. Doesn't it look divine. Now all I have to do is go back and find its creative commons! The web 2.0 creative commons is attribution-noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

This poor little TeddyBear is tired now so it is time for bed. A wee taste of honey and milk though will go down a treat just before I slip into my 'cave'.
Doesn't this look lovely. What a lot of work. This photo is attributed under the Creative Commons licence to **Mary** May 23 2005.


Yes I like the idea of one openid for lots of websites. I have often come up with the problem of my username or password being used by someone else and it is soooo frustrating, not to mention trying to remember all the different names! I think my google account already opens up other sites because when I click into my blog I no longer have to sign in. It seems to be automatically there. I like the idea also of the openid server being myself. I will look into that further. Although they did say 'with a bit of work' you could do it!! Hmm. Would that be too much for a TeddyBear?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Well here I am at last, about to begin the getwithitweb2 blog. I have finished my university studies for this semester and so had better hurry up and concentrate on this programme! I have read the online privacy and security sites and found them very informative. I would have liked to have known about them when my children were younger but it is probably a wee bit of already done that now that they are older and are more aware of the security risks of accessing the Internet. I believe though that it wouldn't do them any harm to read the sites for themselves even though they have grown up with computers. It would be helpful to advise patrons of the websites but those that use the library computers probably wouldn't want to 'waste' their time reading them as they have a limited time span for using the computer. And would they really care seeing the computers are not their 'personal' ones.
However it also wouldn't do any harm to give advice to patrons about online security because they are public computers and in the interests of others it would be beneficial if all care was taken to ensure information was not compromised in any way.